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Let's Give 80+ Kids the #Power2Play This Year!

It’s time to rev our engines for 2025!  Thanks to you, we exceeded our 2024 target, giving 86 kids the #Power2Play.  This year, let’s get 80+ more kids with movement limitations racing!

Geeks for Kids is an initiative of LEARN, a small nonprofit with a big dream – to give kids with mobility challenges the gift of freedom and movement.  With the help of volunteers and donors like you, we build kid-size electric cars for kids who otherwise can’t get around on their own.  Join us in the campaign to get these kids racing!

Kids Are Waiting Right Now

96,000 Missouri and Kansas kids have disabilities, according to a 2012 study from Child Trends. Together, we can give those with movement limitations the #Power2Play!  Local healthcare agencies are referring kids to us every day.  Join the campaign to get those kids racing.

Our Fundraising Goal

To build 80+ cars plus a new prototype vehicle for bigger kids and for indoor/outdoor use will cost more than $500,000 to build. Because we provide these cars to the kids and their families for FREE, we have to raise a lot of money to make it happen.  Join us in the campaign to get kids with movement limitations racing.

Meet Jerry - He is on the move!

Give a Kid Like Jerry a Hot Rod!

There are 500,000 American kids under the age of 5 with movement limitations - kids like Jerry, shown above.  Jerry was four years old when we met him; he is a charming, sunny little boy who wanted desperately to play outside with his brothers, sisters and neighborhood friends.  Because a car drove over him when he was two and broke his spine, he cannot walk; and, because of his age, his insurance would not provide him with a motorized wheelchair.  So, he could only sit and watch the other kids play.   Now, Jerry is zooming around his yard and neighborhood in the car we built, and his friends compete to ride with him.

Join the Race!

Get in the driver’s seat!  Help make Geeks for Kids an even bigger success by sharing this fundraiser and by spreading the news on social media.   Use our hashtags to help us build awareness:  #GeeksForKids and #Power2Play.  100% of your donations go straight to getting kids racing.