Our kids – like all kids – are fun, silly and endlessly lovable. They are also uniquely determined; they tackle the many hardships in their lives with a drive and grace that would put most adults to shame. In fact, they work harder than just about anybody we have ever met, and through LEARN’s programs we work with a LOT of kids! Their resolve inspires us to dream big and work harder too.
Quick Stats
For now, our kids range in age from 1 year to 10 years of age. They generally weight between 20 to 80 pounds. There are two reasons for this size and age range. Kids younger than 1 typically do not yet understand the hazards of driving and have neither the strength nor reach to drive a car. Most kids older than 10 with movement limitations find it hard to "fold themselves" into our current base cars; the cars cannot carry folks over 5’ tall and over 100 pounds comfortably. (We are working on a car design bigger kids; with some smart engineering and more financial support, we will be able to serve older kids soon.)
Our kids are mostly from Kansas City and nearby communities. That is because the process of designing and fitting a car is so individual; we meet with families in person several times during the design and build process. We have, however, served some kids from as far afield as Washington, D.C., Oregon and Canada; we work with each family to determine how we can get together to do at least the final fitting and driver's training. We hope to expand our service area in the years ahead.
In addition, our kids come from many different socio-economic groups. Because we give the cars as gifts, any child who needs a car can afford it.
Learn More
Naturally, our kids cannot be summed up in a few quick stats. Each one inspires and engages in his or her own way. Visit the Get Inspired section to meet some of our kids.